Baby Sign: 8 Reasons to teach your child to sign and 7 Tips on how to do it
Sign, don't sigh! Tips to get your baby using keyword signs. As a speech pathologist, I’m often asked about the value of teaching babies...
Baby Sign: 8 Reasons to teach your child to sign and 7 Tips on how to do it
Don’t ‘Wait and See’: Find out early if your child's development is on track
Creating a Critical Thinker
Unleashing the Power of Articulation: Helping Kids Talk Clearly and Confidently
When is it more than just fussy eating?
Socially Speaking School Kids
Socially Speaking Preschoolers
Socially Speaking Toddlers
Socially Speaking Babies
Stepping Into Speech
Is my 5-year-old normal?
Is my 4-year-old Normal?
Is my 3-year-old normal?